Caucus Survey Results

Ok, you guys are not a lot like Iowa. Here are the details of your responses.

Crassers accurately predicted that Mittens would win the Iowa Caucuses, but you certainly did not predict Santorum’s success as you had Paul in 2nd and Santorum a very distant turd, I mean third.

Of the respondents, there are only four others who claim they are either very conservative or somewhat conservative. As I expected the majority claimed to be very liberal. Pinkos, the lot of you.

Corn and white people topped the list of what comes to mind when you think of Iowa. My favorite write-ins were as follows:

  • Q: Why does the Mississippi flow south? A: ‘Cuz Iowa sucks! LAWLZORZ
  • Potatoes. I know this is wrong.
  • Both a more beautiful and more interesting place than most people think. (who was this cap slacker?? All I know is that is a ‘very liberal’ female from NYC)
  • Ethanol subsidies
  • Bill Bryson

Not surprisingly, jobs and the economy topped our issues of concern list.  Personal freedom was also a top concern (maybe why Ron Paul is doing relatively well??); a surprise to me was more efficient education spending ranked higher than more education spending.  Note: the all other response column is a bug I am not bothered to fix in the interest of getting this out. On to the demographics….The majority of you who responded were females and a fair number of you responded that gender is an absurd social construct.  Not surprisingly the East Coast and mid-Atlantic states dominated.  California and Florida had a fair showing and there were a couple mid-westerners and southerners.  As for income, I specifically avoided asking a specific amount as I didn’t want to get into discussions of what was middle class and upper class.  It is nice to know that none of you are (or at least claim to be) on your parents’ dime.

Let’s tackle the questions GI asked me to survey: the repulsion ones.  Gingrich and Bachmann (RIP) appear to repulse you the most.

So that’s it folks.  Except for the haiku.  There were some brilliant lines of poetry, but I have to give it to Comrade Cletar for coming up with the most amusing:

Oh sad hog farmer
Ron Paul is a lunatic
Shit lagoons overflow

Shit lagoons indeed.

Top picture: Flickr

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