Things Twee People Do!

I don’t know if Things Twee People Do should be some sort of new series here on Crasstalk. Really, how many would fit into this category? There can’t be like whole legions of twees out there, right? Ok. Well, that’s probably not a fair assessment since there are probably more “twees” lurking in knit sweaters, overalls, huge glasses, and floppy hats and living under rainbows and in the knobs of trees than we’re aware of. What do they eat, puffy paint and scratch and sniff stickers? Anyway, I digress, this video of Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (King and Queen of Tweeland!) has been making the rounds.

Well, good gracious, that’s like a sugar-filled cavity wrapped in funnel cake, no? Okay, seriously, we all know that Zooey Deschanel inexplicably elicits some pretty strong feelings from the world at large. We often don’t know if we love her or hate her, or love to hate her, or we hate that we love her! It’s so confusing. It’s like there’s some huge impish life-force that just engulfs her and makes us want treats made with Elfin magic, but then suddenly, we’d like to douse our eardrums in lava to not hear her voice. BUT for two minutes and 14 seconds in this video it’s not totally unbearable! Okay, that’s not the truth. The first fifteen seconds were like being tortured by cherubs with chainsaws, but then it got better!

JGL( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) doesn’t really help much. You just want to hug him and squeeze him until he chokes on gumdrops! This is not an analogy. Who doesn’t believe JGL’s internal organs are full of gumdrops and joy? Regardless, the combination is almost too much to take, but sadly, since there’s some kind of force-field of chocolate bunnies surrounding them both, they’re oblivious to our black-hearted feelings. Isn’t that just like a twee?

What do you think? Is this a fantastic thing done by two winning talents who are just so adorable you’d like to set them in your bedroom for an old fashioned tea party, or is the gagging so very real right now?

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