Blowfish for Hangovers

A new FDA registered over the counter remedy for hangovers is already available in NYC — perhaps they are aware of the high number of Crasstalk meet ups? The cure, called Blowfish for some ungodly reason, is a ‘potent combination of caffeine, aspirin and an antacid.’

Their handy-dandy website has a page about hang-over science which bemoans how neglected hang-overs are in the realm of scientific study. As a bonus, they offer 60 minute delivery in NYC by purchasing it on line. Smart move.

My favorite part of this website is the “Story” page. Here is what it says:

Before dedicating my life to hangovers, I was a normal New Yorker who spent lots of time in bars and lots of time at work.  One particularly brutal morning (which was the result of a particularly awesome night before), I started thinking there had to be a way to have both great nights and great days.

During a period of intense sacrifice, I worked my way through every hangover remedy I could find and found that the hangover products out there were herbal remedies that had to be taken the night before and didn’t do much to solve the problem.

I started on a quest to find something that really worked and could be taken the morning after drinking.  After some research, I found a combination that did the trick, fast. I started sharing it with my friends, and they kept asking for more.  I realized I was on to something.  In 2010, I founded Rally Labs and now I focus full time on hangovers.

Brenna Haysom

(BTW, I looked up her Facebook pages and she is adorable!)

Since Blowfish offers a money-back guarantee, which enterprising young whippersnapper is going to get very loaded tonight and try this tomorrow morning?

I think Crasstalk just found their first ad partner. Jump on it Bots, GI and Dogs!This is perfect!

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