What’s not to love about an athlete’s body? It’s the tool he needs to do his job so he takes great care of his tool. Yes, I said it. At the very least, we can admire and appreciate athletes’ bodies for the living machines they are. Let’s get real though: we’re not just appreciating the functionality of a well toned physique; we’re lusting after hot pieces of man meat. Soccer may have some great legs; swimming may have some amazing torsos; football may… well let’s face it, they wear so much padding you can’t see their bodies anyway (ditto for hockey). If you want to see some great asses though, you’re going to have to turn on baseball.
Baseball butts–more often than not–are round, beefy, wonderful things. Why is that? I’m not really sure so I just accept it as one of the world’s natural wonders. The Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, …, Baseball Butts. That sounds about right. Do a quick search, and you’ll discover that many people agree: baseball asses are where it’s at in the sports world. There’s a Flickr group dedicated to baseball butts. Several gay and lady publications, blogs, and message boards list and debate their faves. A Google Image search handily retrieved a nice selection for us to enjoy in just a moment! Sure, gymnasts and swimmers have extremely toned, tight bodies, and that’s its own kind of wonderful, but there’s just something about a meaty baseball butt that takes my breath away, causes me to pause if I happen to go by a game while flipping channels. Shall we examine the evidence now? Okay! Enjoy!
Top image via. Slideshow images via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15