Daily Archives: October 1, 2011

4 posts

Where Have All The Prescription Drugs Gone?

Yes, you heard right. Run to Mexico! Drive to Canada! Order them online from China even though they may be fake! Horde you prescription drugs while you still can! The drug apocalypse IS coming.

Well, maybe not but if America loves one thing more than hot dogs and beer it is our prescription medications. Sure maybe the reason we all love our meds is some sort of conspiracy to keep us all in check but some medicines are necessary. Oddly enough, the shortages aren’t happening in the unnecessary drugs but in drugs that regulate high blood pressure and treat cancer. Recently, The head of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey has attributed as many as 15 deaths to drug shortages. Continue reading

Nerd News Roundup: Too Cool for School

Well hello there, my fellow nerds! School is back in session. Everybody has on the latest fashions, torrented the required textbooks and finally swapped out that cliche Animal House poster with a Georgia O’Keefe.  But some of you are different. You’re gonna sit in the back of the class, maybe wedgie everyone in the math club or maybe your taking part in one of this week’s stories. This week, the Fightin’ Badgers flunk Firefly, an indie game company stuffs your console in the locker and the defenders of comicdom steal the hallpass.

Now please report to the auditorium for some good ole fashioned tank-rippin’ in this week’s Nerd News Roundup! Continue reading