Today I’m here to share some sad news with all of you. Peyton Moss, or “p_mouse” as we knew him, has passed away after a battle with cancer. Peyton was one of the first commenters on Crasstalk after the Gawker migration and was a founding member of our community. His passing is a great loss to all of us here who enjoyed his wit, kindness, and intellect.
Peyton was a not only commenter here, but also a writer, and a member of the Marketing Team. He was always an enthusiastic promoter of the blog and was always happy to give his advice an assistance to novice writers making their first unsteady steps in their writing. He was always kind to everyone on the site, adding a sweet word or a joke when arguments got heated and tempers flared.
Peyton loved great books and writing, He was always up for a conversation about literature. He also loved bands from his beloved Boston, and was great fun to play Flash Back Friday with. He was the master of creating intelligent and fun games for us to play together.
P_Mouse never complained about the illness that was taking his life. I am guessing many of you never even knew that he was ill. He always gave advice and support to those of us who were complaining about life’s little problems that I imagine must have looked insignificant from where he stood. He remained the same sweet person he always was. Erudite, kind, and inquisitive. His contributions here will be remembered fondly and will always be missed.
Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory —
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved’s bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.– Percy Bysshe Shelley