File this under About Fucking Time!
I applaud Reverend Eric Elnes, the pastor of Countryside Community Church in Omaha Nebraska, for leading the way in dispelling the notion that Christianity is anti-gay.
Let’s be clear, people can be anti-gay. If one follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and not some sort of contorted interpretation of them, one realizes that God loves all people and that includes homosexual, bisexual and transgendered individuals.
My favorite line from this article is a quote from Elnes: “We believe homosexuality is not a sin. It’s not a birth defect or a choice. God created people this way. And if God created them this way, they need to be honored for who they are, and fully included in church life and wider society.” BRAVO!
Sadly, Omaha religious leaders of my religion, Roman Catholic, did not sign this document. I know plenty of priests who welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals into their church. Mine is one of them. However there needs to be a dramatic cultural shift in the leadership of my Church in order for this to happen. I hope I live to see that day.