The Crasstalk COW

Well, kids, another week in the books, right?

We had a pretty nice week here at Crasstalk.  Some of you got together in NYC on Wednesday, and had a few too many.  It led to a number of those folks feeling pretty beat up on Thursday, from what I could tell.

The rest of us, of course, have to settle for drinking in our normal environs, but we’re used to that, right, Capt Badass?


The nice thing about drinking in NYC is that there are always cabs available to get you home.  There’s really no reason to do anything dumb and get behind the wheel.  Then again, driving just about anywhere  is hazardous these days when you have folks like our own Murray Hewitt on the road:

Still, if you want to flip the switch for this witch (see what I did there?), a dig at Jezebel is sure to help you along.  That’s why our winner this week is the imitable Tchotchke from last Saturday’s Open Thread.  Really, this started quite the run, and if you missed it, I highly recommend checking it out.  It doesn’t fit into a Someecard, but it’s just too good to go unrecognized.

Don’t tempt them, though.  You just wrote most of Monday’s articles for them.

Thanks again to everyone who’s been submitting nominations.  Sadly, I don’t ever have enough time to read EVERYTHING on the site, despite knowing how good it all is.  So, you’re help is always appreciated.  As always, the email address to send noms to is [email protected].

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