While clearly Toddlers in Tiaras is far more disturbing, I have to say that finding out that there is a Ms. Senior America pageant in CT doesn’t sit well with me either.
Not that an elderly women can’t be gorgeous. Hell, I aspire to be one of those fabulous looking old ladies too. However, much like beauty pageants for kids, these seniors are striving to be something they are not.
The winner, Kyle Sherwood Ralston of Fairfield, CT, (at left) won on her THIRD TRY. Yep, that is right — third time’s a charm. Upon winning she said, “”I really couldn’t believe it, I was so happy. You hold your breath and hope, but you don’t want to hope too much because you’re afraid you’ll be disappointed again. I can’t wait to represent Connecticut in Atlantic City.” There is a noble goal for you in your twilight years. Not helping others, volunteering, mentoring or some such nonsense, but going to Atlantic City to represent hot elderly women (HEW?) from CT.
Here is the group of eleven women who fought like cats to win the crown of Ms Senior CT, at right.
My favorite is Dr. Doreen Stern. Initially, I thought: what is an MD doing ina beauty pageant? A quick Google search revealed that Dr Stern is a PhD and has a business where she inspires and motivates people. She markets herself as a “Life Docktor.” That isn’t a misspelling. One of the tabs to her website is What Would Oprah Say? In that tab, she discusses what Oprah would say IF she knew the Life Docktor. Nice
You need to check out this video below to get a true flavor of what this fantastical evening had in store for those who attended the event at the prestigious Asnuntuck Community College in Enfield. As a side note, tickets cost $10 each.
Which one of these gorgeous dames are your favorite after watching the talent show? I cannot figure out if I like the Asian blowfish, raptor Jesus, the Elton John wanna-be or the pathetic woman who ballroom danced by herself.