Daily Archives: April 1, 2011

14 posts

Flashback Friday: Just Let Your Soul Glow!

Ahhhh yeah baby. I’m way too excited for this. I know you Crasstalkers have been ready and waiting for today since last week so here we go.

Sam Cooke is a beautiful man with a beautiful voice. This song is so heart-breaking, so wistful, so poignant. There aren’t enough adjectives that are fitting for this song.

Now, let’s get funky with The Staples Singers. Roebuck “Pops” Staples, the patriarch of the family, formed the group with his children Cleotha, Pervis, Yvonne, and Mavis. Fun fact: Bob Dylan wanted to marry Mavis and asked for her hand in marriage. Can you imagine the talent their kid would have had?

Let me to just also add that videos from Soul Train’s Soul Train line will not be turned away. If you have been to a wedding and not done a Soul Train line, you have not lived.

NBC Heard Your Disgust with Wonder Woman’s Costume

Last week we got a gander at the plastic monstrosity that was the new Wonder Woman costume. We were furious! We were confused! Mostly we just thought spending $19.95 for a Party City Halloween Shit-Suit was silly! Well, there have been new developments.

Apparently, NBC has heard all of our copious concerns about the epic tragedy that was a blue car tarp stretched out over a lady’s body. You see, they must have gone back to the drawing board and decided that the total effort wasn’t flawed. Why, no. What the costume from Hefty really needed was a color change, and maybe pants that were a bit less blue, but nonetheless still existent. (I favor the traditional get-up, and not these star-spangled hotpants.)

So here, behold what NBC has devised as a workable compromise. Is this any better? (Update is on left. Original look is on right.)

Holy Christmas Crapsack! I don’t think this is better. No, no I don’t. Is she a bag of lettuce in a grocery cart? What’s with all the ill-fitting rumpleness? Seriously. Why does it look like nothing about this fits? It’s like a prom dress with an out-of-shape bodice that the debutante has to keep pulling up lest her ta-tas fall out during the awkward Glamour Shots photo. She needs more support, spaghetti straps, less silicone….something, anything.

We collectively saw no need for the high-heeled boots. They were totally non-functional for a crime fighter, so the addition of flats here is a good choice, and the traditional red is an improvement…but they still just look so cheap. Like they just painted a pair of the blue ones and removed the heel. Is that what they did? It looks like it. Urgh. While getting rid of the shiny pants is better, replacing them with blue thermal underwear, and affixing a few gold stars, just seems like a quick fix. Everything about this still says, “We don’t know what we’re doing.”

I guess David E. Kelley probably likes this immensely, because I don’t believe the television law provocateur really understands superhero fiction. So I imagine he’s comfortable with his new action star looking like she stepped out of a lady wrestling episode from the late 1980’s.

Here she is doing some action type things…er, robotically.

What do you guys think? Is this a fair improvement?

[Photos via Entertainment Weekly]

Gawker Media in Talks with New Writers

No less than 14 little birds have been very active on Facebook in the last few hours, all singing close enough to the same tune that I’m confident in breaking this story.

I hardly need to tell this audience that Gawker’s audience is in serious decline, not coincidentally since we all left. They’re now having to start selling off blogs.

Desperately trying to get the magic back, Gawker Media is trying to recapture what made the site great. And the word is a number of our very own crasstalkers have had 30 pieces of silver dangled in front of them to return their particular brand of genius. And that they’re about to sign on the dotted line! Oh, the shame.

What’s the deal guys? Are you really willing to go to the dark side and turn your back on the users here? I think we deserve an explanation.

UPDATE: It’s even worse than I originally thought. It seems like the management here is literally selling us back to Gawker. I am not sure if the point is to keep Crasstalk going under the Gawker banner or if they just want to close it down. This is a sad day for all of us.