High School “Glamour Gals” Are Not Doing What You Expect

On a so-called “Christian” blog, a commenter named Colleen commented that she was a teacher, and she thinks that teenage boys are “disgusting”.  If I was on the school board where she worked, I’d fire her bitchy ass so fast her dewlaps would flap.

Teenage girls are stereotyped as being screamy, vapid, obsessed with clothes and the attention of boys, which they don’t know what to do with when they get it.

In Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the snooty maitre’d at Chez Quis regards young Ferris with disdain and says “I weep for the future.”

Negative stereotypes do apply to some teenagers.  But like any gross generalization, it’s false to a large degree.

Half Hollow Hills High School West is a public school on Long Island, located between the affluent towns of Huntington and Dix Hills, and serving the not-so-affluent South Huntington and Babylon areas.  Because it’s a large Long Island district, it’s ethnically and economically diverse.  It’s one of the top ranked public school districts in the US.

They have a club called “Glamour Gals*”.  What do they do?

Twice a week, these 15 girls go to Atria, an assisted living facility, and give manicures and spa treatments to the elderly residents.  Some boys don’t want to miss out on the fun, so they joined them on their most recent visit.  The boys and men discussed history, sports, and played trivia games.  “The people at Atria get to make new friends with us, and we get to hear their cool and interesting stories.”, said Ross Beloff.  Classmate Christina Napoi summed up the project by saying “People may say we’re doing community service, but it never feels that way.”  The name of the club is likely to change once more boys join. (*source – Newsday)

The next time someone goes all “Get off my lawn!” at a kid who isn’t doing anything wrong, Imma lay some smackdown on ’em.

I always talk to my beloved nieces as if they were adults, and their parents have observed “They never have an attitude when we come to visit you!”  Hmph.  Wonder why that is?

If you have a young’un in your life, raise your expectations and treat them with respect.  The results may surprise you.

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