Was it all just a dream?

Perhaps it’s the drugs.

Lately, I’ve been having as least one very vivid dream each week. When I awaken, I can remember the details so well that I actually have to question whether or not I actually did teleport myself to Chicago where I met up with an ex who then took me to Joseph Arthur’s house so we could crash there for the night.

Yeah, maybe it is the drugs.

Then, there was the dream where my co-workers and I had to move offices to a more crowded floor, but first, we had to go to a concert in an amphitheater. I can easily remember walking through the grass towards the stage and waiting for the band to perform. There was even an instance in the dream where one of the guys from the band recognized me.

Drugs are good! Mmmkay?!?

No matter their subject, I can’t complain about the dreams, actually. My physical life isn’t nearly as exciting, so I’m glad at least one part of my brain is firing and making sure I have a good time somewhere.

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