Hi haters!! Well, it seems that Codename:Stabby got some hate mail because I called you Crasstalkers “dicks”. You Crasstalkers have some thin skin for such a tough name and that’s all I have to say on that issue.
Anyway, we didn’t go rompies today because it is raining. AGAIN. But, we did go rompies yesterday and it was AWESOME!! We went to our regular place but we took a different trail before the one that goes up the mountain, which is the one we usually take. So this new trail is flat and goes along the river. It. Was. Great! I got off the leash for four miles! Codename:Stabby did her intervals and we had a great time. Also, it was sunny and warm. No pics though because we left the phone at home. Then we got groceries and went to the post office and went home. I had tuna juice on my food for dinner and then I slept. It was a great day.
It’s supposed to rain again tomorrow, which I am not at all happy about. I think I’ll probably get a rompie on the upper football field at the high school again. That seems to be our rainy day routine.
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