Since the days are getting shorter, as the nights grow longer, I thought it would be an appropriate time to focus on some of my favorite night photographers. First up is Troy Paiva, a San Francisco photographer who makes his amazing photos in junkyards and various locations in the abandoned West. Photographing only during full moons Paiva uses a combination of long exposures and a variety of colored flashes to paint his beautiful pictures. In addition to his personal photography, Paiva teaches workshops and has a well-reviewed book out.
Daily Archives: November 14, 2010
First impressions are important. That’s how you make friends and influence people and convince them to have sexytime with you.
Check out our new About Us page. If you think it should be changed, suggest your edits in the comments there.
Love thy neighbor’s dinosaur. (Testing to see if I can fix this post) Fixed!
According to our favorite elf Adrian Chen, Tumblr and 4chan are waging some sort of troll war. We could have been attacked by kiddie porn immediately after landing in Tumblr-land. This is exactly why I’m glad we went with WordPress.
If you create a post, MAKE SURE YOU GIVE YOUR POST A TITLE. For some reason the theme doesn’t seem to handle it well if you don’t.
Let’s all create a category for each user name and put your posts under your own category to make organization better. Just click “Add New Category” on the right before publishing your post.
Zatz Not Funny brings us good news on the DRM laden e-Books being distributed by public libraries. Previously they were limited to devices that support Adobe’s digital rights management, but the Bluefire Reader now allows Apple i-Devices to read the free (as in beer not as in freedom) e-books. Support your public library.
Testing our new toy. Much thanks to Botswana FC for setting all of this up. When I earn my first paycheck in 5 years you shall get those $31 bucks back.