
2 posts

Check Your Bank Account – You too Can Be a Victim of ATM Fraud

atmskimmerOn Wednesday morning last week, I went to the 7-11 to buy cigarettes and a Diet Coke. I never carry cash so when I swiped my debit card, I was shocked when it said “Declined.”

Immediately, I went on line and checked out my bank statement. I had several charges that I did not make. I belong to a credit union that is very particular about the charges I make, and they noticed they were all on-line; not my normal pattern. So they shut the card down. Continue reading

Student Loans Are the Ultimate in Predatory Lending

6304808136_a4465d1240_mToday’s doubling of the government student loan interest rate led to some interesting conversations for me this weekend. A good friend likened those government and private loans to the whole sub-prime mortgage predatory lending scheme: encouraging the loading up of debt by financially unsophisticated people. I think he might be right.
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