Mommie Dearest Open Thread

A few important words about Crass Election Day coverage: 

OK team I have an announcement regarding the Crass coverage of the upcoming election. If you want to do posts about the election please gather round. We have had some great coverage this election season (of which we all should be proud of) and we want election day to be one of the best days in the history of the site. To do this we are going to do things a little different for the next couple of weeks.

First, if you plan on writing any political posts for the week before the election, please send me an email at [email protected] so I know you are on board. The lovely Burning River and I will be organizing a conference call/google hang out in the next few days so we can have a planning session. Yes, I’m totally serious.

Second, starting October 29th all political/election posts must be approved by BR, myself, or the Dads. No exceptions. We want to coordinate the coverage so we can have the coolest content possible. I know this is different than how we usually do things, but we want this to be really great. It is ok if you see something worthy of a quick post, but please email one of us before you start writing.

If you don’t want to write posts but want to be on the team anyway, please send me an email. We need social media people and people to monitor other sites. Also, I would like to have a gif catcher or two 🙂 Please let me know if you can lend a hand.

Anyway, that is the deal. Let me know if you have any questions. Together, we can win the internet this election day.

Yours in victory,

The Grand Inquisitor

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