Crasstalk Fact Finding Mission: Occupy Wall Street – Updated

A special thanks to the fact finding team members Achille’s and Rowen for helping get this together.

If you had asked the thousands of students, transit workers, teachers, nurses, unemployed, children, and retirees who showed up at Foley Square Wednesday afternoon about why they were there, you would have gotten thousands of different responses. But beyond the continuing debate regarding what the movement’s specific goals and demands are, the overwhelming sense in the air was that something historical was taking form, and these people had come to be a part of it.

Along with its newfound legitimacy due to union support, the movement had made great gains in organization. Unlike last Saturday’s march, where the crowd’s spontaneous decision to move onto the Brooklyn Bridge resulted in chaos and mass arrests, this route was carefully planned and barricaded off, with movement volunteers as well as police standing at intersections and directing protesters. Along the main route, the mood was festive and relaxed, with police showing no signs of stress or anticipation.

The only trouble occurred later in the evening, after the main march had ended at Liberty Square, when a group of protestors attempted to storm the blocked-off Wall Street, resulting in about two dozen arrests and a television reporter being maced. Which leaves the question: can a mostly non-violent, well-organized protest that cooperates with police be declared a success? Or does it always need an element of such confrontation to stoke the fires of public outrage and keep the establishment from getting too comfortable?

After arriving at the scene and realizing that our handmade Crasstalk press passes were not going to gain us any special privileges, The Grand Inquisitor and myself waded into the center of the marching crowd, thus renouncing our claim to fair and balanced objective journalistic coverage. We were accompanied by a crutch-wielding Rowen, who every few minutes was subjected to cheers and compliments on being so dedicated and inspirational. It was all we could do not to concoct a story about him being brutally beaten by police at the last protest.

Enjoy these photos from inside the march. Update: Now with higher quality video.

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