QOTD: What is Your Favourite Food or Food Thing?

Food.  Cook books.  Recipes.  Appliances.  Restaurants.  Hairy celebrity chefs.  Dirty celebrity chefs who end up in the blind gossip pages a little too often.  All of these things end up in the pages of Crasstalk all the time.  But what single item, book, machine, cool cafe, classy bar, well-turned calf or succulent breast is your absolute favourite?

Saying “chocolate” is too easy, so say something else.

I’m going to say calves’ livers.  I’d never had them before I went to restaurants in the Trastevere district of Rome.  Oh, I thought I knew all about Italian food then.  Was I not a world traveller?  Had I not eaten such exotic foods as venison and fish-head curry?   But eating at restaurants in Trastevere I learned that Italian food went beyond pizza and bolognese and parmagiana, that calves’ livers could be one of the best meals I’d ever had in my life, and that there was something to be said for this cooking lark besides just opening tins.  Calves’ livers opened my eyes to a wider culinary universe.  And also taste great.  Can’t ask for more than that.  If I was Jamie Oliver I would use the word “pukka” right about now.  I think I had calves’ livers 3 nights running when I was in Rome, prepared a different way each time, all fantastic.

OK, you’ve had your thinking time now, what’s YOUR favourite food or food thing?

Photo: Flickr

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