QOTD: What Is It With Visitors?

The ones who travel many miles, hours and hours on an airplane, even, and when they arrive they have no clue what they want to go see? Don’t get me wrong, I love to see friends and (pretty much) family show up to stay for a few days. Evenings are great, good food and booze and conversation.

But why do they sit there like bumps on lumps waiting for me to decide what we’re doing during the day?

Me, all brisk and bright: so, where do you want to go here in glorious southern California that you paid $1,000 on airfare to get here?

Them: um, where do you want to go?

GAH. Look, I live here, I’ve already been everywhere I want to go locally. I’m happy to do repeat visits in their company, but a little guidance would be nice.

Is this one of those things, two kinds of people in the world, those who obsessively plan their trips and those who show up clueless? I’m an obsessive planner, if I show up somewhere I have a detailed list of what I want to see, and if no one else likes it, I’ll happily go off on my own. Because what, I’m going to let someone else decide how to spend my precious vacation time? Yeah, right.

Or is it just a control-freak issue and I should sit back and relax? Hunh, no. Last time that was tried, with the hubs’s family, it was an hour of “well, I dunno, where do you want to go?” on and on, around and around.

So how do y’all travel? Lollygagging around, happy to end up wherever? Or with an itinerary and checklist and 18 different guidebooks?

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