secure your id day

2 posts

April 21 is “Secure Your ID Day”

The Better Business Bureau’s biannual Secure Your ID Day is this Saturday, April 21. They take up to three boxes or bags of documents and put them directly into a shredding truck. Find your participating BBB by state here. This is a great opportunity to get rid of bills, statements, medical papers, and any document you don’t quite trust in your regular recycling.

If you don’t see your state or region represented, contact the business office of your local BBB and express your interest in future events.

Tomorrow is Secure Your ID Day

Twice a year, October and April, the Better Business Bureau host a “Secure Your ID Day”. Giant shredder trucks are waiting to receive all* the sensitive documentation that you don’t want to file but don’t want to just throw in the trash where anyone can retrieve it. Follow this link to find a location in your area as well as some tips to prevent identity theft and a suggested retention schedule for important documents.

* Up to three bags or boxes