(Editor’s Note: Since ThereWillComeSoftRains did this excellent update on all the goings-on of Murdochageddon, I’m making this your open thread for all things News Corp.-related. Uncle Rupert is scheduled to appear before Parliament this morning. The fun begins at 1 p.m. GMT on BBC Parliament. ~Bots)
Week two of the News Corp. fiasco continues
Have you resigned yet? No? Well you just aren’t keeping up with the latest fashion trends coming out of London. So many people have now resigned in the phone hacking scandal, UK unemployment has been pushed up to 95%. Nobody is left to run the country; we’ve had to become an absolute monarchy again. Until next week when the Queen is caught hacking Kate Middleton’s phone trying to find messages from her hairdresser revealing the secret of her shiny locks and she quits as well. The only thing left for us now is to give the whole country back to the druids, which is why I have built a large wicker man in my front garden (well that is what I am going to tell the police should they ask).
So it’s been two weeks since the NOTW scandal broke and for some it has dominated the news since then, which to the ADHD-suffering UK media makes it the greatest epic since the Iliad, starting, as sagas are wont to do in medias res, years after the initial accusations. But it has proven to be the Marmite of news; Continue reading