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Scrubbed, Sucked, Burned – And This Time, Russell Brand Is Not Involved

I’m back. 

The Groupon was $55.00, and offered a skin consultation, a mask, and my choice of microdermabrasion or a glycolic peel.  The full value was close to $300.00, and I expected to tip at least $50.00, so total expense was $105.00.

The place was a former superintendent’s apartment in a fancy co-op building on Central Park West.  It was furnished as such – very warm and welcoming, with real artwork and comfy chairs.  This relieved me, because I anticipated cold sterility in the décor, and that would have applied to the customers as well.  Why are some of these places so guy-hostile?  We have pores too!  Stevie Wonder’s Send One Your Love was on the stereo.  Nice!

I settled in to wait, but I was the only one there.

The “doctor” who saw me was not a dermatologist – I’ve never seen a ruffled lab coat, but she had one.  She looked like Colbie Callait, who I love, but then I worried a bit that maybe she smoked pot.  (I think that if Colbie and Jack Johnson shared a bong, the cloud would be so thick that LA would have a blizzard in July.)

Dr. Colbie’s catlike eyes assessed me as she asked if I smoked, drank, and got enough rest. (No, HELL YEAH, No.)   Vell, she said in her Russian accent, there’s a lot we can do to feex you up.

And she did!  After a thorough cleansing that made every pore feel like it contained a French Gypsy,  she started with the microdermabrasion.  She decided this for me, because the fact of the matter was she thought I needed both.  The only thing with the microdermabrasion was that some of the stuff got on my teeth and it sure is gritty.  Otherwise it was just like having a vacuum suck out your pores.  Then she put on a glycolic solution, followed by a glycolic moisturizer. Eet vill steeng, Dr. Colbie told me. This was held in place by some gauzy pads.  She left and shut out the lights.  I wanted to fake-yell Get it off! Get it off it burns like FIYAAAA! but it seemed like Dr. Colbie didn’t really have a sense of humor.

Alone in the dark with my face a-blazin’, I wondered if I’d look like Samantha from that episode of SATC when she got a peel and her face looked like strawberry jam.  The music switched from Stevie Wonder to what Mike calls Black Sex Music: R. Kelly’s When A Woooooman Loves segued into a Rick James and a sista moaning Fire and Desire, which had me weeping tears of hilarious irony.  After an eon, Dr. Colbie returned.

You steenging? she wanted to know.

Not too bad. I thought I could sense her disappointment through the bandage.  She removed them, got me cleaned up, and showed me a mirror.

Pink.  I was pinker than icing on Julia Allison’s cupcake.  But it was a very clean pink.  There was a residual tingle.  When she left the room, I replaced the mirror on the shelf next to books, and being a nosy parker, I had a peek at the titles.  What Spas Do Wrong, Upselling!, Marketing Spa Products.

She obviously had memorized every one, because she gave me the hard sell on a glycolic night cream.  I paid $40.00, and later found out that it retails for $28.50!  But it did get very, very good reviews online.  Whatevs.  She told me how to use it, so I guess that’s worth something.

I would go back, but I would NOT pay $300.00 + tip even though I know that’s going rate.  My skin feels smooth, and looks (pinkly) terrific.  Random note – on the way back, THREE random strangers either said hello or chat me up in the subway and the elevator.

So! Those of you with ladyflowers – your real problem is makeup, if you wear it, and your skin is thinner than mine.  Pick one or the other, but don’t go for the double whammy.

Gentlemen – your problem is that you don’t exfoliate at all, ever, and those of you who do don’t do it often enough.  Your mug is probably home to a few blackheads and dry patches.  Get rid of them.  When you go a-male bonding, tell the guys at The Swarthy Salty Sea Succubus that it’s so you don’t cut yourself when shaving your manly man beard.