We have a wonderful lime tree in our front yard. Recently we trimmed some large oak trees and all of a sudden the little lime tree has been getting a lot more sun and being very generous with its fruit production. We have limes coming out of our ears! Trying to find uses for the limes, I decided to make homemade limoncello, but using limes instead of lemons. If you’ve never had limoncello, it is a crisp and refreshing liqueur made with lemons and grain alcohol. After doing some research, I decided to try this Gizmodo/Franny’s in Brooklyn method because I like the idea of letting the limes infuse the vodka over several weeks. Continue reading
2 posts
The limes on my lime tree recently started ripening, so I wanted to use a bunch of them in a dessert lest they start rotting. At first I thought of just making a key lime pie, but the more I thought about it, what I was really craving was the key lime pie filling mixed in with strawberries. I had an angel food loaf in the refrigerator, so I decided to experiment. Continue reading