Remember when you were in the pre-teen/early teen years? Those can be particularly awful years, especially if you are a girl. Cattiness, cliques and awkward times were the hallmark of those years for me. Sadly, it seems to be a similar experience for my oldest daughter. This is where you Crassers come in.
A little background: my daughter attends a school that she enrolled in when she was in 5th grade. Most kids have been there since pre-school and it is a very small community. There is one girl in particular who appears to get great joy in pointing out every error, flaw or flub my 12-year-old does/has in order to garner laughs from the rest of the class. She is bossy and nasty and dances on the line of bullying. Now, I could go to the administration and have this stopped – and I still might – but I want to try to empower the eldest wildkid to do it herself first. Continue reading