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Why Are Immortals Always So Miserable?

Immortality, which seems like it might be something of a blessing, is often portrayed in books and movies as an abject curse.





From Tuck Everlasting‘s accidentally immortal family, unhappily traipsing through time…









to Wild Seed‘s crazily intense power-play between two African immortals: Doro, a shape-shifting, seemingly evil male and Anyanwu, the quietly wise woman who tragically loves him through the eons…










to Oscar Wilde’s brilliant cautionary classic of unchecked immortal hubris that leads to self-destruction…









to the spellbinding tale of a gorgeous immortal couple implausibly tainted by decidedly mortal problems…








to the story of sword-wielding immortals who must duel each other to the death, because only one of them can be immortal.









The exception to the “miserable immortals” rule is this book.






It is a joyous, sexy romp through the ages with deposed King Alobar and his lady love, Kudra, master of dance and perfumes.  Together (along with the goat-god Pan) they travel the world in search of the guardian of a flask containing a mysterious beet-extract elixir which holds the secret to their continued everlasting life.

Tom Robbins has crafted the only story of immortality that I’ve ever encountered that has a delightful end (and the beginning and middle are equally wonderful). These immortals laugh, play, and make highly erotic, gymnastic, deeply passionate love.

To  me, that sounds like a much better way to spend eternity.


Here are a couple ditties about immortality:

“Immortality” by Pearl Jam


“Eternal Life” by Jeff Buckley

Following are links for those interested in the books and movies mentioned above:

Tuck Everlasting

Wild Seed

The Picture of Dorian Gray (book review)

The Fountain

The Highlander

Jitterbug Perfume