hiroshi sugimoto

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Hiroshi Sugimoto

I’m so done with all of this Gawker nonsense. Seriously, fuck all that shit.  Let’s look at something beautiful instead.

Hiroshi Sugimoto is hands-down one of my favorite artists of all time.  His work is stunning and timeless, both conceptually and technically.  He works exclusively in large-format photography, using an 8×10 camera to compose all of his works.  He is heavily influenced by Dadaism, and surrealism, as well as the passage of time, and the conflict of life and death.

Seascapes – By drawing a line directly in the center of his viewfinder, Sugimoto is able to exactly match the horizon line on every single photo in this project.  Sugimoto traveled the world photographing the the sea, creating one of his most beautiful, and most well known collections.

Theatres – Sugimoto travled across the U.S. looking for old movie theaters to complete this project.  Using only the light from the projector, Sugimoto opened his shutter as the movie started, and closed it as the movie ended.  This extremely long exposure renders the screen completely blank and illuminated, and the audience invisible.

Architecture Nature of Light Sugimoto