
1 post

My, my this has been interesting

In addition to waking up with a hangover Sunday morning from my Friday night, this day has been full of surprises.

We knew that the commenters weren’t particularly valued at Gawker as of late – that we didn’t fit into Denton’s grand scheme.  However, I am surprised at the lack of giving a shit about our privacy.  Other than a brief  “change your passwords” post, nothing.  I’m getting more feedback from the Rogue Choire than I am from Gawker editors.  I had to go to Gizmodo to find out if my account was listed.  Even there, I had to wonder am I communicating with a hacker or someone within Gizmodo.  I received two different answers, so who the fuck knows.

It made me realize what a fragile house of cards this whole web interaction has been.  I throw stuff out there to stir up a pot or see what sticks under a cloak of anonymity.  Not saying I don’t believe or stand by in what I write: but let’s face it:  what we put out there sometimes is what we often only dare to think, not say out loud.  Gawker can be one big miasma of id, with a smattering of ego and superego just to keep things civil. (Sorry, I love Freud)   I think the threat of disclosing who some are IRL, may limit some of that delicious id.

I wonder now if I will be as irreverent when I post something over there.  I suspect I won’t for at least a while.  What about you?