Ah les cro cro cro, les cro cro cro, les crocodiles, Sur les bords du Nil ils sont partis n’en parlons plus. Continue reading
French music
This week’s post will focus on a few French classics. Many thanks to Maximo for this suggestion. Continue reading
Today’s post will highlight French songs featuring other languages. Like Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Inuktitut, Lingala, and English. Continue reading
Ce ver vert sévère sait verser ses verres verts. Continue reading
One of the featured videos has over 50 million views. Miley has nothing on us. Continue reading
Did you know that the French word for “ear” is oreille and that the French word for “pillow” is oreiller. There you go. Continue reading
Today’s post will feature French-speaking artists covering other French-speaking artists songs. Or what is commonly referred to as “les reprises.” It’s getting all Rosetta Stone® up in here. Continue reading
My French-Canadian grandparents marked their 65th wedding anniversary this summer. In celebration, today’s post will focus on French-Canadian folklore songs, that is a musical style commonly referred to as “chansons à répondre” (response songs) or “rigodons.” Grab a set of spoons. Continue reading
Let’s celebrate Luke Bryan’s new album release by listening to French music. Continue reading
Grab a cigarette and press play. Continue reading