2 posts

Daylight Saving Time Is Here

A reminder that tomorrow, or tonight depending on how late you’re up, is the time to spring forward an hour. Since the government won’t stay out of our lives and keeps messing with the date we can never predict when this will happen from year to year. Here is a list to help you get ready.

  • If you regularly apply updates to your computer then the electronic demons that live inside it will take care of this for you. If you don’t apply updates then you deserve the fate that is going to befall you.
  • Your iPhone may or may not wake you up at the correct time on Monday. History tells us that it won’t so you should plan accordingly.  I’m not joking on this one.
  • If you still have a VCR then it’s best to just unplug it and let it go back to flashing 12:00.
  • Your watch will require that you pull that little knob out half way and then spin it backwards for a bit.  Or if you still have that Casio then you have to hold down the left two buttons while pressing the right top button three times in a row, then release all the buttons and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.  Then you should be all set.
  • Your dog will be confused and will still want to eat at its regular time.  Dogs don’t care about daylight saving time.
  • If you are in Arizona, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, U.S. Virgin Islands or American Samoa you can ignore all of this.

Image Flickr.