I have very mixed feelings about this new HIV/AIDS PSA from the NYC Department of Health (warning: nsfw unless you work in an anal cancer research lab):
A lot of folks are up in arms about how the ad stigmatizes people living with HIV. Fear campaigns don’t actually encourage testing or prevention, they assert (without evidence).
I feel like there’s a generational disconnect, though, because while people over 35 or so probably have some memory of the worst years of the epidemic, very young guys do not. At all. The only message young gay guys have heard is about how AIDS is a manageable illness. But that’s not the whole story. The fact is, young gays are not using protection because they don’t think AIDS is a big deal, hence the HIV transmission rates for very young guys are shockingly high (such as an estimated 40% of young African-American men who have sex with men in NYC infected with HIV).
What do you think? Overkill? It reminds me of the cigarette ads with disgusting photos of cancerous lungs. Which actually do work, with me at least. If by work you mean nauseate.