science is sexy

16 posts
science is sexy is, to the apparent surprise of neanderthals on the internet, a lady.

See the big picture, sweat the small stuff: Gigapan and the art of ultra-high resolution photography

This guy's life is way, way cooler than yours.

A relatively new technology now allows consumers – that’s you and me, kids! – to take absurdly high-res panoramic photographs. That means you can take a panorama of a forest, and zoom in to see ants on a leaf. Or pictures of cities and zoom in on that guy who always masturbates on his couch by the window. Not that anybody would.
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More gamez

Why is the sky blue?

The gases in the atmosphere scatter blue light most efficiently. Read more here.

Why is grass green?

Chorophyll absorbs blue, red light, reflects green; light —> energy. Read more here.


Star implodes. So much gravity nothing escapes; sucks together space-time. Read more here.

Also, fuck you.

String theory. Go.

Not even string theorists know what they’re talking about.

Submit a science question to me either in the comments, to my Gawker account, or to my email. I will answer it in ten words or less. If you ask me a question that neither I nor anybody else has the answer to, I will pretend I never received the question.

Game time!

How was the universe…created? Do we even know that?

Short version:
THEORY: Not created, formed. Space/everything began, grew. Before? *shrug*

Long: Read more here.

I was always terrible at physics. Why is [light] both a wave and particles?

Short version:
Light reflects/refracts like waves, has energy/momentum like particles.

Long: Read more here.

Submit a science question to me either in the comments, to my Gawker account, or to my email. I will answer it in ten words or less. If you ask me a question that neither I nor anybody else has the answer to, I will pretend I never received the question.

Just kidding. If any of you can answer this, there’s a Nobel waiting for you. Is the multiverse real?