Enesbit15 posted in last weekend’s Open Thread that she and The Cowboy are battling over baby names. Let’s help her out! I will create a March Madness style bracket (thanks to Amazon for the idea). So let’s come up with 64 realistic names.
Our 4 categories will be: Classic, Trendy, Myth Based, and Celtic. Consider that the baby’s last name will be Walden.
We’ll do this similar to March Madness. Names in the 4 packets will go against each other first, then one will be selected from each bracket and then we’ll have a final four. There will be one victor. While I can’t guarantee that enesbit will pick our choice, it’s fun to be part of the process! Thanks for letting us do this.
Let’s start here by listing 64 names. If there are multiple votes for one name, that will give them a higher seed.