Nany cried about giving it up to Johnny without making him work for it. Cohutta nearly went home anyways. Instead, we said gurl, bye to Preston and Aneesa.
We open with Nany putting her make up on while straddling Cohutta. She reveals that she doesn’t know what a blue state is. If you ask me, one of them is going home tonight.
Cut to Laurel and Cara Maria discussing voting strategy for the rest of The Challenge. Despite being best friends, Laurel still might Cara Maria into the elimination challenge. Best friends? Really? Doubt it.
Theresa thinks Cara Maria and Laurel being at odds is good for her. As annoying as Theresa is, she’s right. Laurel apparently isn’t even thinking about voting Theresa in. And while Cara Maria is busy being annoyed by her so-called BFF, Laurel is building a friendship with Jessica (ok, Jessica is still here? How? Seriously, how?) because Jessica is blowing smoke up Laurel’s butt about her relationship with Jordan. AND GUYS, CARA MARIA CAN’T SLEEP!
This week’s challenge is called Dug Out. There are 6 ramps “dug out” of the earth. The players, in teams of two, will have to transport 5 balls each from one side to the other. Of course these 6 ramps intersect with each other in the middle. What fun would the challenge be if there wasn’t at least the slightest chance for these people to maul the shit out of each other.
Guys teams:
- CT/Zach (Team Beast)
- Cohutta/Bananas
- Johnny/RoyLee aka Leroy
Girls teams:
- Devyn/Laurel (smart move, Devyn!)
- Theresa/Nany
- Cara Maria/Jessica
The girls are off first and immediately Nany and Cara Maria collide and Cara Maria draws blood. The two get up, dazed and confused. Nany can’t feel her face and runs up her ramp without a ball (heh) for a bit.
Devyn complains about Laurel’s pace, but Laurel says she doesn’t want to hurt herself. Apparently she’s not moving any slower than Devyn anyways.
Another collision between Jessica and Devyn is the reason that Jessica and Cara Maria don’t win. Theresa and Nany are the victors for the girls.
Guys are up next. Despite Zach’s huge frame, he’s pretty speedy. He and CT cross the ramp without incident, but Johnny and Bananas collide on their first trip. This collision doesn’t draw any blood like the girls’ did.
I think that hit knocked some of Johnny’s brain cells loose though because he’s taking the balls that Leroy puts in the holder and putting them back in their original spot. No, no Johnny. On second thought, the guy isn’t too bright anyways, so who knows. Maybe he didn’t understand the instructions in the first place.
Sadly there are no other collisions and CT and Zach win this one pretty easily.
The winners get their own van for the ride back to the house and they discuss who should be voted into the elimination. It’s no surprise that Cohutta’s name is the first to come up for the guys. Nany says she doesn’t think Cohutta should go in. Well, of course she doesn’t. Cohutta is a weaker player and she can’t be too surprised that the biggest guys in the house want to take him out. Nany gives Cohutta the heads up that the voting is going to be between him and Leroy. Which, with so few guys left in the house, you have to assume that if you don’t win you’re going to be up for elimination either through the vote or The Draw.
There has to be something else we don’t see between Cara Maria and Laurel. Apparently apologies are necessary now. They went from BFFs to enemies in less than one episode. If their friendship is over because Laurel would vote her into the elimination round, then it must not have been very strong to start.
All four of the winning players vote Jessica into the elimination. Finally! I’m really not sure how this girl has been around this season for so long. No surprise for the guys as everyone but Nany votes Cohutta into the elimination challenge.
Nany is accepting her feelings for Cohutta and is scared that he’ll go home. They are a surprising couple, but they are cute together.
For the third time this season Cara Maria pulls the kill card and will face Jessica in the elimination. Cohutta’s worst nightmare comes true and Leroy pulls the kill card.
Tonight’s elimination challenge is Balls In. This is the one where the offensive player tries to get the ball in to the barrel. This will result in point. The defensive player’s goal is to prevent the offensive player from scoring. Whoever has the most points at the end of five rounds wins.
Girls are up first with Jessica on offense and Cara Maria on defense. Jessica puts up a harder fight than both Cara Maria and I expected. Jessica doesn’t score, but that first round was intense. Jess is just as tough on defense and Cara Maria doesn’t score on the first round. In fact, the first point isn’t scored until Cara Maria puts the ball in the hole in the third round. Cara Maria scores again in round 4 and eliminates Jessica.
The boys are up and this is no surprise. Leroy scores on the first 3 rounds and sends Cohutta packing. Leroy has a foot and easily 80-100 pounds on Cohutta, but Cohutta put up a great fight. There was just no way he could beat Leroy.
Before leaving, Cohutta grabs a kiss from Nany one last time. [Spoiler alert: Nany posted a picture of herself and Cohutta on instagram last week with the caption, “My <3” so one would have to assume they are still together.]
Meanwhile, something is wrong with Cara Maria’s hand and she decides to go see a medic. Is this the hand injury we’ve seen previewed all season?!
The medic says it’s at least a sprain and wants her to take an x-ray to see if it’s even more. The episode ends with Cara Maria getting her wrist wrapped up in a splint and we have yet to see if she’ll go to the doc and get that x-ray.
Since we’re teased with TJ addressing Cara Maria, I’m going to guess that she gets to stay. And then we see Laurel crying over her friendship with Cara Maria. I am so confused. Do you want to be friends with her or not? Friends don’t vote friends into the elimination challenge!
See y’all in a few days!
Image via MTV.