Recipe Sunday: Amazing Homemade Butter in the Food Processor

If you know me even slightly, you’ll know that I’m as sentimental as the day is long. So, when my grandmother gave me a little butter churner, I promptly put in on my “cherished kitchen items” shelf.

I have cause for getting a little misty in this case though. The reason I received the gift is because my grandmother is leaving the farm where she and my late grandfather dwelled for well over half a century. There’s nothing horrible going on and she’s fine – it was just time for her to get a little extra TLC.

However, that doesn’t make it easier to see this house I love slowly get removed from the possessions that make up tangible memories. This guy lived in the kitchen on top of her cabinet. Isn’t it cheerful looking?


She and Grandpa were crazed garage sale enthusiasts, and that’s where she found it probably 30 years ago. It’s been part of the character of her kitchen for as long as I can remember.

So, with the gift in hand, my mind turned obviously turned to homemade butter.

However, I’m not as hearty as – well, most people. And I was also terrified of hurting the glass churn. Which meant that if I was going to make butter, I was going to do it in a new fangled fashion – in the food processor.

The process itself is incredibly simple, and makes wonderfully sweet butter. I kept this unsalted, because I thought it would be more fun to add finishing salt while eating it on bread.

Or even better, buttered radishes. Buttered radishes with sea salt are amazing and they make perfect summer food. And with the snow gone, the flowers starting to peek up and the weather in the 70s – summer was where my mind was headed.

Amazing Homemade Butter in the Food Processor

Yield: 1 cup of butter


  • 2 ½ cups heavy cream (organic if possible)


Wash and dry food processor bowl and metal blade thoroughly. (You want it to be very clean and dust free.) Pour the cream into the food processor and process for about 1 ½ minutes. At this point, if you wanted whipped cream for ice cream or a cake you’d have it.

Whipped-cream-finalBut that’s not the game plan. The plan is butter, awesome butter.

Process for about another 2 minutes, and at that point the butter will to thump in the processor and thicken up. You’ll think you’re there! But you’re not there yet.


Process until suddenly you think you’ve done something wrong, and water explodes in the food processor.


You’re there! That explosion was buttermilk forming.

Pour the buttermilk off and, reserve for something fun like buttermilk marinated fried chicken.

Leave the butter in the food processor, and fill it up with cold water once and drain. Repeat. (That removes any impurities that can give the butter a very short shelf life.)

Place the butter in cheese cloth and squeeze tightly to remove any remaining water.

Form into a ball and refrigerate.

The butter will keep for a week.

Heads up, the butter is fantastic on sourdough bread topped with a little peppery watercress.

(Photos by Launie K.)

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