Wishlists are the savior of both gift givers and receivers. The giver gets an insight into the wants and desires of the recipient and the recipient doesn’t end up with a bunch of stuff they don’t want. But crafting the perfect wishlist requires some attention to detail and thoughtfulness on the part of the recipient. Here is how to make a truly awesome Amazon wishlist.
Be easy to find
Make sure you use an email address with Amazon that people know, use your full name, put a location and if you’re married and have a different name make it obvious to those who might search for your married or maiden name.
Add a range of items
Sure you might want only the most expensive things for yourself, but have a mixture. Add a good distribution of items in different price ranges starting with $5-10 items, up to $50, up to $100, up to $250 and then go big. But don’t just have all big ticket items or all super inexpensive items. Some people might actually want to spend $50 on you, not $5.
Add Amazon Prime eligible items
Maybe you’ve never heard of Amazon Prime but the people buying you things sure have. It gives them free two day shipping on Prime eligible gifts. This means you save the giver money on shipping and you get your gifts faster. Often the same or comparable items are available in Prime eligible an non-eligible, always go with Prime.
Update your list
Those things on there from 2010? Nobody knows if you still want those or if they’re just abandoned ideas. Plus they might not even be available anymore. Make sure your list is up to date with what you desire and what is available.
Make lists for your kids
Your kids’ relatives have no idea what your kids want and more importantly what you want them to have. You can make a sub-list under your own list and add things that you approve of for your kids.