Canada and the United States are in many respects two very similar countries. Founded as white colonial settler societies, both are now developed capitalist democracies, with functioning multi-party (more or less) politics. In some very important ways, though, Canada and the US are very different countries. The United States has developed a national attitude of rugged individualism, premised on distrust of government and the notion that everyone can succeed and climb through society if they work hard enough. Canada is much more communitarian, turning more to society as a whole, with an attitude of trust in, and deference to, government. Why is this? What made our two countries so similar yet so different?
Daily Archives: December 22, 2013
3 posts
The other day I was cleaning out our cabinets and I found two little purple potatoes from the fall. Purple potatoes! They’re one of my favorite treats of the autumn. It was like a little gift from October. Since they were such a treat, I decided to pair them with chroizo that I’d bought for a Christmas batch of Paella.
And because I already had Spain on the brain, I decided to make a frittata that had the feel of the Costa del Sol. Continue reading
Be one with the floor. Continue reading