As the queens enter the workroom, Roxxxy says they are all going to miss Lineysha. Alaska asks Detox how it felt to be in the bottom two. Detox tells her she doesn’t even want to know. The queens congratulate Jinkx, but Roxxxy is quick to drown out the praise for Jinkx with praise for herself. Jinkx doesn’t like that she’s not getting the sort of excited reaction that the Ro-Laska-Tox queens get when they win something. My sweet Jinkxy, don’t worry about it. You don’t need their validation. They feel threatened. They might try to express it some other way, as Roxxxy did later in the episode, but the truth is they feel (rightfully) threatened by your talent. Hit the jump for a breakdown of the updated Drag Race Index!
(We’re going to be doing things a little differently from here on out, children. The focus of the recap will be the Index. Though I’ll start with a quick synopsis of the episode, there will be no further blow by blow (as much as I love that *wink wink*) recaps. So, let’s get on with it!)
In last night’s mini challenge, the queens were tasked with applying their makeup in the dark. After some predictably hilarious results (Alaska really went for broke), Detox was named the winner. For the main challenge, the dolls had to record an inspirational anthem in the vein of “We Are the World.” As the mini challenge winner, Detox was given the power to select the three teams for the main challenge, which broke down to: Ro-Laska-Tox; Alyssa and Coco; Jinkx, Ivy and Jade. You know what that meant of course: Coco nailed herself to a cross. How very dare Detox play this game strategically?! The queens who can’t sing struggled to varying degrees in the challenge. Ivy and Jinkx stole the show. On the main stage, Alaska got called out — whether fairly so or not — for her apparent lack of heart and vulnerability. Ivy won the challenge, while Coco and Jade lip synced for their lives. Jade sashayed away.
Click to enlarge! Time to break this down, one fish at a time.
Ivy Winters
We’ve known for some time that Ivy has what it takes to go all the way in this competition, and we’ve seen brilliant flashes of it up leading up to this week, but tonight this bitch shined brighter than she ever has before. Just when I think she’s shown us as much as she’s going to show us, she outdoes herself. Ivy rocked the main challenge, showcasing her ability to sing. Later, on the main stage, Ivy’s creativity really wowed. Not just because she made a dress out of photos/paper, but because of how she approached the guidelines they were given for their main stage look. The dolls were instructed to show off their favorite body part. So while others donned looks that framed this or that body part, Ivy went in a more inventive direction, and she stood out in the best way possible for it. This bitch is in it to win it, and she usurps the top spot in the Index this week.
Jinkx Monsoon
Jinkxyboo takes a small dip to spot number two on the Index this week. Like Ivy, she can carry a tune with ease, and she proved as much in the main challenge, but Ivy still outperformed her a little. I was happy to see her do an Old Hollywood glamor look for the Main Stage, but Michelle Visage was not impressed, griping about the fact that different pieces of the look came from different eras. A fair criticism, and also a fair makeup note regarding Jinkx’s contouring, but to me Jinkx still rose to the top of the pack this week. I firmly believe she will be in the top three.
Alaska had a bad week, and I was glad Michelle Visage addressed the clique issue during main stage critiques. Alaska my dear, Ro-Laska-Tox is bringing you down. You’re better than them — it’s time to break free and just do you. She struggled with the main challenge, and it was made worse by the fact that she felt her teammates weren’t taking the challenge seriously. Her main stage look was forgettable. I still have confidence in Alaska’s ability to go the distance, but she needs to step it up next week and break free from the constraints of Ro-Laska-Tox. Remember the season premiere when Roxxxy was so dismissive of Alaska’s garbage couture? Ugh, whatever. Alaska was hurt when Ru said she’s not showing heart and vulnerability, but I think once she licks her wounds Alaska can figure out a way to give Ru what she wants. So, despite having a bad week, Alaska is only falling to the third spot on the Index. I feel certain she will come back stronger next week and prove the naysayers wrong.
Alyssa Edwards
While Coco couldn’t stop fuming about having to work with Alyssa, Ms. Edwards proved she could give the challenge her all despite the awkward dynamic with her teammate. Can she sing? Oh hell no, but she did what she had to do to get the job done, and she rocked a sexy caftan look on the main stage. I died when Michelle Visage made reference to Honey Mahogany. So good. I’m telling you, Miss Alyssa Edwards may not be a fan favorite, but she is a hungry bitch, and she’s proven week after week that she has every intention of making it to the top. Will she win? Maybe not — she lacks that x factor that the top three in the Index possess. Still, I wouldn’t discount her. Which of you bitches predicted Tyra Sanchez was going to win season 2? Exactly.
Roxxxy Andrews
I just can’t stand this bitch. I have tried to like her, but I can’t force it. Do I have some respect for her craft? Yes, and when she did well in the children’s show challenge, I had no trouble saying so, but she just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The judges thought she was funny in the main challenge — I thought her performance was weak. The Pointer Sisters loved her “sexy” main stage look — I thought it was kind of grotesque (I’ve said week after week that I strongly dislike her propensity for showing so much skin, and I especially hate her willingness to show off her fake drag queen tits.) Also, I hate hate hate the eye shadow technique she busted out tonight (and which we’ve seen from her before). Also the hair…no, just not feeling it. All that aside, she definitely didn’t win any points from me when she said that Jinkx is getting through in the competition because of a gimmick. What gimmick would that be, Roxxxy? The gimmick of killing it in Snatch Game by impersonating someone your dumb ass has never heard of? Or the gimmick of actually being able to sing? As much as I would love to drop Ms. Andrews to the bottom of the index, I realize that would be all personal bias, and clearly the judges see something in this twunt that I do not. Still, she’s bottom half for sure.
Hm. Let me start by saying I loved the ass crack dress. If the judgment would have been on the main stage look alone, Miss Detox would have taken it. I defended Detox last week despite her having a bad week. I feel less friendly toward her this week. Is she still a strong contender? Maybe, but I have more doubts now than I did two, three, even four weeks ago. She stank it up in the main challenge, and as Michelle Visage pointed out, she repeated the silly jaw movement from her lip sync. Maybe Roxxxy should talk to her about being gimmicky. She takes a couple small steps up in the Index this week, but I don’t expect to see her in the top three, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has to lip sync for her life next week.
Coco Montrese
Oh, Coco. You’ve fallen so far when once we thought you were top three material. Lately, you are just phoning it in. Dramatic sigh. Yet again, Coco let some trivial bullshit prevent her from giving a challenge 100%. While Alyssa managed to put the drama aside to work on the challenge, Coco had to fume and pout and blame this and that on Detox. Was Detox being malicious, as Coco put it? No, Coco, you’re using the wrong word, because you’re taking it so personally. Was Detox’s move calculating? Yes. Strategic? YES. Malice has nothing to do with it. Detox wants to win just like you want to win, so of course she’s going to pair you with Alyssa, you dizzy bitch. Get over it, and turn that shit out. Except she didn’t. In a repeat of her actions during the children’s show main challenge, Coco allowed herself to become overwhelmed by the others’ competitiveness, and when push came to shove, she just choked. I actually liked Coco’s main stage look, but the judges apparently didn’t agree. Still, Coco is not going to make it much further because she’s unable to put the drama aside and just focus on what she needs to do. However, I pity the queen who has to lip sync against her.
Jade Jolie
Sashay away, sweet young Jade. Her main stage look was a damn mess, but for better or worse it was very Jade. I thought she actually did okay in the main challenge, but her performance came off too meek when viewed in the context of the whole. Her lip sync wasn’t bad, but Coco’s stage training really came out, and whereas Coco’s lip sync felt like a choreographed routine, Jade’s felt very much like she was making it up as she went along. Ms. Jolie has some growing to do, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t think she should have gone home any sooner than she did — this was truly her time.
So, what are your thoughts on last night’s episode? Did you cry all the tears during Alyssa’s emotional scene on Untucked? Who do you think will be next? Sound off in the comments, and I’ll see you next week!