Daily Archives: March 29, 2013

4 posts

Adventures in Nature: The River

640px-Aberglaslyn_xWHR_MMB_03Summer of 2008: Bellevue, WA

I was home after spending the last nine months traveling around the United States and Canada and working in an office full of my fellow 20-something travelers, booking next year’s adventures. We were a restless bunch. Constantly inventing games and contests to alleviate the boredom of spending eight hours in neighboring cubicles. Continue reading

Flashback Friday: Foreigner Edition

No, not this Foreigner (well it could be), but any band or artist that came from beyond your own borders and took your musical heart by storm. For Americans, the British invasion hasn’t really stopped, though it seems to ebb and flow. The lads from Madness sent me crashing through my living room dancing to this many afternoons watching MTV after school.

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Allan J. Eastman, Aged 19

VietnamMarch 29th is Vietnam Veterans Day.  It marks the day the last American combat troops were finally withdrawn from Vietnam, forty years ago.

Well, not all of them. 1600 troops are still officially missing in Vietnam.

I grew up with Vietnam hanging over my family. My grandmother was a Gold Star Mother, which is what the government calls you when you’ve lost a child in war. She never rode in the Veterans Day parades on that sad float with all the other mothers in Belmont, Massachusetts (not Mitt Romney’s side of town) who had lost their sons. But Uncle Allan’s name is etched in granite in the town square.  Continue reading