Former Talk Radio Host Produces Documentary Defending Joe Paterno

A former conservative talk radio host and documentary producer has begun production on a film that claims that former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was framed by the media and colleagues, and was not guilty of concealing child sex abuse by Jerry Sandusky. John Ziegler, a radio personality and former sportscaster, has previously made films about how the media has conspired to elect Barack Obama and to conceal the truth about 9/11.

Ziegler has released a “mini-movie” cut of The Framing of Joe Paterno in order to raise financial support for a full length version. The film essentially claims that the news media rushed to judgement and framed Paterno. In a collection of interviews, a few former Penn State players and staff defend Paterno and claim that his accusers (particularly former assistant coach Mike McQueary) are untrustworthy. Also interviewed is former Pittsburgh Steeler Franco Harris. Harris and Ziegler were run off by the police in Los Angeles on Wednesday after confronting the president of the NCAA over the abuse scandal.

Ziegler maintains a website outlining his theory on the “smear.” The site has dozens of articles going through every detail in the case in an effort to absolve Paterno; you can even buy a pro-Paterno t-shirt. The site also has several videos about the scandal including this first cut of the documentary:

The video spends a lot of time criticizing ESPN for its coverage and accusing the network of participating of a cover-up of child sexual abuse in the Bernie Fine case. Ziegler even includes footage of himself accosting an ESPN reporter covering a Penn State football game. Zeigler also names Deadspin as part of the conspiracy.

Not surprisingly The Framing of Joe Paterno doesn’t make a very compelling case. Gnawing around the details of the allegations against Paterno doesn’t provide an adequate refutation of the Freeh Report, and Ziegler’s history of claiming media conspiracies give the whole effort a tinfoil hat feel. However, I can understand where Ziegler and his collaborators are coming from. Joe Paterno was a larger than life hero to many, many people. When the Sandusky scandal broke it was apparent that he was not. Losing a hero of that magnitude hurts, but Ziegler and his viewers would be better off saving their anger for the person who really deserves it. That person is Joe Paterno.

Top image via Wikipedia.

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