Daily Archives: September 16, 2012

4 posts

China – Japan Dispute Over Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Explained

With American embassies all over the Middle East and North Africa under attack, the Western media has for the most part ignored a potentially greater geopolitical flashpoint. Though an outright conventional (or nuclear) war between China and Japan is very unlikely, their fight over some tiny islands will certainly escalate.

The Senkaku Islands (as the Japanese call them; the Chinese call them the Diaoyu Islands) are a group of five small uninhabited islands and three rocks in the East China Sea between China and Japan. The area surrounding the islands may have oil and commercial fishing fleets also ply the waters there. Fundamentally, the dispute is not about oil or fish.  It’s really about power, history, and not losing face. Continue reading

¡Feliz Dia de la Independencia!

I’ve never been a history buff. I could try and explain the Mexican Revolution as I know it, but the fact is that I don’t know it at all. I am, however, sure of two things: Independence Day is not Cinco de Mayo (that commemorates a small but important battle fought in Puebla and isn’t celebrated anywhere in Mexico but Puebla), and the actual day of Independence here is the 16th of September. I also know that this town, San Miguel de Allende, played a significant role. So with the help of my friend the internet, this is what I can tell you: Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: 3 Cheese, 2 Greens and Orange Tomato Frittata

It’s elegant for brunch, it’s simple for lunch – and sometimes it can help a couple of sick people. A couple of weeks ago I spent Friday on the couch with a sinus headache that was so rough that it mimicked a migraine. Then I spent Saturday and Sunday working. But KABLAM! On Monday I was knocked on my back again and then, sadly, my husband  joined me there on Tuesday. Continue reading