Blind Items

Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

1) “One of the best pieces of gossip I’ve heard lately. I wish I could have watched it go down. Wait, but now I’ve built it up too much. So I’ll pull it back first: this does not involve sex or cheating or secret gays or garden vegetables which means some of you may find it boring. But it does involve two celebrated actors, super powerful, super respected, neither of whom seem to be particularly vain physically beyond staying trim.

A few months ago, one wrote the other asking for some advice:

Actor A: I was just wondering…who did your eyes?

Actor B: I don’t know, I’ve never had my eyes done.

Actor A: Yeah, ok, sure. Merry Christmas.

And then they spent the rest of the season sh-t talking each other while smiling down the carpets at all the events during the season because one suspects the other of holding out on him for a good surgeon. In Hollywood, you’re never too mature to be pretty…and petty!” [Lainey Gossip]

2) “This married actor tried to reheat an affair with a former costar. The costar – who was a rising starlet when they worked together – had originally seduced him on set. But now she is attached to younger, hotter star, and wants nothing to do with the married actor. When she turned him down, he opted to go for his back up play – a stripper that cost him a previous engagement.” [Hollywood Dame]

3) “This very popular young performer is so much fun! And so upbeat! At least, that’s the side you see. What you don’t see is her dark side. The one that causes her to hurt herself.

The good news is that there is an explanation, and that there are medications that can help her a lot. The bad news is that she refuses to take them because she doesn’t want to “lose her personality”. You see, she was recently diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, and she thinks that the medication will turn her into a zombie who can’t create or have fun or enjoy life.

She is already acting out in public, and her friends, family, and S.O. fear that she is heading toward a Britney-style meltdown. They really don’t want to have her committed or put her under a conservatorship, but if she continues to refuse, they may have to take drastic action. In the interim, she continues to take her body to extremes in public, and to self-harm by cutting and burning herself and pulling out small clumps of her hair in private. Not exactly a party.” [Blind Gossip]

4) “These young performers are both very hot. We told you earlier this year that a new fake relationship would be starting up in August. Well, guess what? It’s August! The relationship is starting!

Here’s how it’s going to go down: There has been some buzz over the past month. Photo op together in the next two weeks. “We’re just friends!” Fangirls breathe a sigh of relief. Pretend sneaking in and out of clubs, restaurants, and each other’s homes. Tabloids ask “Are they a couple?”. More denials. More photo ops. Dates, hand holding, a “secret” photo of an intimate moment. The fangirls go wild! They finally “confess” that they are dating. Milk the publicity. Breakup by end of year.” [Blind Gossip]

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