Blind Items

The problem of leisure. What to do for pleasure.

1) “This B/C list celebrity couple’s marriage is on the rocks. They are spending more time together to try and reforge their marriage, but he is too focused on his career and sexting a flight attendant he hooked up with a couple of times. Since he was caught cheating, the couple have been taking pricey vacations together on his dime. She is now carrying all the power in the relationship and calling the shots.” [Hollywood Dame]

2) “This youngish, humorous  actor is fairly modest in public, but not so modest in private. He has been bragging to his friends that he was so rich that he could “wipe my ass with twenties” and “light my joints with ones”.

At a recent informal barbecue at his home, one of his friends – who is also an actor, though not as successful – asked if he could borrow a twenty-dollar bill. He disappeared into the house. Several minutes later, he told the host that he had a gift for him, but he would have to come into the house to receive it. Yes, he left the host a smelly gift in the bathroom, topped by the used twenty. The host play-smacked his friend and yelled, “I said my ass, you idiot!” But he did find it funny. Boys.” [Blind Gossip]

3) “This award-winning actress is facing bad news in every direction. Her acting career is waning; she’s unable to get her body to look the way she wants it to look; and her business is failing. We’re talking about a pretty major meltdown on all fronts. Not that you’ll hear her admitting any of these things. No, she just keeps telling big lies about how great everything is going.

The good news is that she has finally given up trying to nail a popular young actor. It’s not because she doesn’t think she could land him. It’s because she found out that he actually makes fun of her behind her back.


Actor:” [Blind Gossip]

4) “Little Man 1 set up an elaborate production that was supposed to be fronted by Little Man 2. But Little Man 2 lost control of his personal life.

So Little Man 1 approached a very controlling Actress. Would she be interested in stepping up? This presented a dilemma for the Actress. She had originally been lobbying for her husband to take over Little Man 1’s role, but Husband was not exactly leadership material right now. So the Actress is seriously considering taking on the responsibility herself. While she doesn’t have nearly the star power or reach of Little Man 2 or her husband, she rather likes the prospect of being in a position of power greater than that of both Little Man 2 and her Husband. This will not end well.

Little Man 1:

Little Man 2:


Actress’ Husband:” [Blind Gossip]

5) “The Olympics are off the hook for U.S. Basketball Team. Several players have been photographed or had stories of the nightlife in London hit the internet. Problem is those players are either married or engaged. The big shock is the other Athletes with the “wholesome” reps also being caught up in the talk. Hmmmmmmmmmm!” [Downfront2]

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