Aku-Aku has started quite the discussion in the Open Thread this morning with his talk of humidity. Weather is a huge part of how much you like where you live. In Chicago, everyone (well, most people I know anyway) hates their life for the 4-6 months of winter. However, summer is so awesome here Chicagoans almost forget how much the winter sucks. We spend as much time outside as possible and just plain love it.
In San Antonio the joke is they have two seasons – hot and hotter. That’s pretty much true. It seldom gets below freezing and people break out the heavy coats and gloves if the temperatures dip below 50.
I’ll admit that I love the mild summers in Chicago, but I would rather deal with multiple 100 degree days in the summer than multiple days of 20 degrees or lower in the winter.
What say you Crasstalk? Would you rather be hot or cold?
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