Blind Items

Guess who!

1) “In the past week, all the NFL teams had mini-camps, but the biggest talk among the players on one team was not about their new teams or the upcoming season, but what is being called the greatest celebrity sex tape ever. Apparently this former A+ list Tweener not named Miley or one of the Cheetah Girls made a sex tape with this newly drafted NFL player. The player who went to school in California was talking about how he had dated this Tweener and someone said prove it and out comes a full 15 minute video on his iPad. The next thing you know every player was gathered around this iPad and there was almost complete silence for the full 15 minutes. Afterwards, the noise was deafening and players begged to watch it again. For the entire mini-camp all anyone could talk about was the sex tape and what exactly goes on during it.” [CDAN]

2) “This big actor is in a hairy situation. If he lies, the problem gets bigger. And if he tells the truth, the problem stillgets bigger!

If he does settle, he would be forced to continue to lead a life that has made him miserable for many years under even more scrutiny than before. It’s a life he was prepared to leave a few years ago, before he was entrapped by two significant parties in his life.

If he doesn’t settle, the threat of all his secrets coming out at once would destroy his career, his family, and his bank account.

Contrary to what you may believe, he is not a very smart or strong person, and he has been rather easily manipulated by others into leading a life that is outwardly successful but inwardly sad and twisted. It’s hard to feel bad for him, though. His fame and money have made him soft and arrogant and careless, and he has made a lot of very conscious and very stupid decisions that have hurt a lot of people (including people very close to him).

And, sadly and ironically, there’s not support for him at home. The two parties closest to him are also the two parties who care more about saving their own reputations and wallets than in helping him achieve authentic happiness. If he doesn’t continue to lie, his wife swears that she will divorce him and take all the money and the children. Meanwhile, the other party is ready to blackmail him into poverty and oblivion.

If there is a way out of this for him that would satisfy all parties, we don’t know what it is. We hear that he is leaning toward more lies and a big payoff. Not surprising, given his history.” [Blind Gossip]

3) “This troubled actress is looking around her for solutions to her problems. She is trying desperately to win back the hearts of the public, but so far nothing is working. She has seen how adoption has helped the public perception of some of her colleagues and has decided that might be the avenue for her… except she isn’t going about it in quite the right way. She reportedly offered her housekeeper a large sum of money if the housekeeper’s daughter would ‘sell’ her baby that is due at the end of the summer. Naturally the housekeeper declined.” [Buzz Foto]

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