Daily Archives: March 31, 2012

3 posts

QOTD: What Have Your Fellow Crasstalkers Inspired You to Make in an Open Thread?

One of the best things about Crasstalk is that not only do we have really incredible user-generated content, we also have something called an “Open Thread” where people just talk. Are you having computer problems? Chances are that DogsofWar will have an answer or can point you to the right place for one. Do you need to look at something pretty? Princess Lala will fix you right up. Do you need a place to share a dirty story after a night out? Everyone will give you appreciative feedback. But one of the main things we like to talk about is food. Recipe Sunday (much like the name indicates) rolls around once a week, but everyday you will see someone talking about something fun they’ve eaten, something great that they are cooking, or maybe just Tacky Tick offering pie to new commenters. Continue reading

The Somber Ritual of Clearing Out Someone’s House

Surely there’s a better word, or term, for this function than what I’ve come up with in the title here, but I can’t lay my hand on it just now.

What it is, is when someone has died or gone into a long-term care facility, and someone – you – has to go into the house and deal with its contents.  The object is to get all the person’s belongings out of the home so it can be sold, or rented out again if it’s an apartment. Continue reading