Daily Archives: March 10, 2012

3 posts

John Carter: This is Not The Epic You’re Looking For

More like “John Carter of Meh.”

It appears that blockbuster movie season is starting a little bit earlier than the traditional Memorial Day weekend, or so the promoters of John Carter would have us believe. Indeed, the trailers before the movie were all for upcoming summer blockbusters—dear mother of Spock, why are we getting yet another Men In Black movie? And, like many movies that will come up this summer, John Carter (of Mars) is a sci-fi movie that tries very hard to be many things…and doesn’t do any of them that well.

Sci-fi as a genre tends to have movies that fall into two categories: Star Wars/Star Trek/Aliens and those movies that want to be them. Of course, movies like District 9, Moon and the recent Chronicle (go see it, by the way!) can be excellent twists on established tropes and should probably be considered as a third category, but those movies are rarely big budget blockbusters. At any rate, John Carter was marketed as “this generation’s Star Wars”, a claim that isn’t at all justified by the film itself. Continue reading

A Moveable Olive Garden Contest: Hemingway or Hagerty?

Below, you will find ten quotes from the works of two great authors: Ernest Hemingway and Marilyn Hagerty. Both have captivated the world with their sparse, pithy writing. And so I present to you, Crasstalk readers, lurkers and passers-by, the great Moveable Olive Garden Contest. Can you identify who wrote which quote without the assistance of Google or your  dog-eared copy of In Our Time? Put your guesses in the comments. Continue reading