QOTD: How Far Have You Come From The Place You Were Born?

There are so many different ways you can answer this question. You could decide it’s about a philosophical journey, about the change in your political beliefs compared to the beliefs in your parents, the movement in your socio-economic status. You could be a bit more literal and calculate how far you’ve traveled. For example, I estimate that I’ve walked, jogged and run far enough to go around the world at the equator, let alone distance covered in planes, trains and automobiles.

The answer I want to give is a bit of a mix, though. I’ve lived in a few suburbs of Melbourne, Australia in my life, but a little while ago moved into a high-rise apartment in the city centre from which I can walk to work, a goal of mine for a long time. By pure happenstance, the apartment happens to be within a kilometre of the site of the hospital in which I was born, so at the same time that I’ve come so far from where I was born in every other respect, I’m now so close to where I was born literally. I enjoy the irony.

What’s your answer?

(Image credit:  Judy Van Der Velden @ flickr)

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