Crowdsourcing Christmas: Cheap Gift Edition

Tight budgets are no fun around Christmas time (or ever), but with some creativity you can find your way around them and give your friends and family something better than the cheapest thing you could find at Walgreens. My budget for Christmas gifts this year pretty much tops out at twenty bucks– and since that includes shipping to environs as far north as Wisconsin and Glasgow, we’re probably talking closer to ten bucks on materials. I love the idea of sending my friends and family an assortment of handmade treats, but the most complicated thing I can make are boxed brownies. With that in mind, I am turning to you culinary geniuses here at Crasstalk and asking you to post your quickest, easiest dessert recipe. I’ll get things started with my mint chocolate peppermint bark.

Note the peppermint plate.

Dostoevsky’s Mint Chocolate Peppermint Bark

While it kind of looks like dirt, I promise you it’s quite tasty. The level of tastiness is enhanced by the fact the whole thing takes less than ten minutes to make. You will need the following:

-1 package vanilla almond bark (don’t go for the cheaper ‘candy coating’ alternative, it’s disgusting)

trans fat free, so you know it's healthy!

-1 package mint chocolate M&Ms

Your real challenge is not eating them all....

-1 package peppermint candy canes (I specify peppermint because they put all sorts of weird shit into candy canes now, including bubble gum)

The hardest part of the process is melting the almond bark– if you stick it in the microwave too long, it will scorch and probably taste weird. I always start by breaking off half the package and sticking it in a ceramic bowl in the microwave for one minute; sometimes the almond bark will soften, and sometimes it won’t because I have a lousy microwave. If it’s soft, stir it with a wooden spoon until smooth. If the almond bark is still lumpy after stirring, continue to microwave at 15 second intervals until smooth– again, don’t microwave it for too long. You want it to be smooth and thick, not liquidy.

Next (actually, you should probably do this first so your almond bark doesn’t harden, but I always forget), take whatever M&Ms you haven’t eaten, wrap them in wax paper, and break them up with the flat side of a meat tenderizer. I keep the pieces bigger because I like my peppermint bark to have a little crunch, but you can do whatever. Add your candy pieces into the almond bark and stir, keeping in mind that the damn chocolate is going to turn the almond bark brown and there’s nothing you can do about it. Repeat the process, only this time with candy canes. The amount of M&M and candy cane pieces you add is up to you, but I tend to shy away from adding too much because it can be overpowering.

Finally, pour your candy/almond bark mixture on to the wax paper you’ve already set out and smooth it until it’s about a quarter of an inch thick. Place out of reach of cats, dogs, and nosy humans and let dry. It should harden in a couple of hours, but it’s best to let it dry overnight. The next day, break it up in to a bunch of pieces and you’re done! I also recommend sticking it in the freezer, as it’s also quite good chilled.

So, how ’bout it slores? Share your favorite quick and easy treat recipes in the comments! (I’m looking at you, THurdler!)

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