We had some great posts yesterday on everything from assholes Lindsay Lohan and Herman Cain to bullying to baseball to insourcing jobs. PLEASE keep them coming folks. CT needs more great content–you are the ones who provide it. Start exercising those author accounts more people!
P.S.: I noticed that people still have issues posting large pictures in the comments. For reference, here’s how you resize.
After you type the “image source equals” part, type width for an image with a landscape orientation, height for portrait. It looks like this:
[img src=”WWW.here’s the picture URL.com” width=”400″]
Of course replace the brackets with less than/greater than. You only need to specify either width or height, and voilà! You have a resized image that can enjoyed in its entirety without scrolling or pixelation or taking up a fuck-ton of space. You’re welcome to try it out with funny animal pictures (COME AT ME BRO).