This Week in Crazy

Well gang, it has been a great week if you enjoy batshit insanity, and you all know I do. Bonus points: the anxiety over the global economy and the upcoming presidential elections is probably going to really knock a few more screws loose in those folks who are already a little inclined to go towards the odd side. I am predicting that the rest of the year is going to be a fertile season for craziness, so pull up a chair and say your prayers to Raptor Jesus, it’s going to get pretty interesting. Here’s a little dose of this week’s craziness that should probably make you feel (relatively) sane.

Let’s start with this weeks most obvious source of crazy, The Republican Presidential field. After much criticism, Michele Bachman sort of backed-off her claim that the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation. However, Bachman managed to score the least truthful title in an analysis by Politifact. Interestingly, also pretty crazy candidate Ron Paul comes out as being the second most truthful. Make what you will of that. Ron Paul supporters helped him out by putting this weird ass video on YouTube:

A new study published in Aluminum International Today has riled up 9/11 truthers and caused an awesome truther throw down over at Above Top Secret. There is nothing better than crazy turning on crazy. Here is Observer99; a member of throwing it down:

Speaking of people who think they are getting put into death camps, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has a great explanation of how President Obama’s not taking away people’s guns is actually a conspiracy to take away people’s guns. Essentially, Barry is just lulling us into complacency so that he and (of course) The United Nations can come get our assault rifles at a later date TBA. Fortunately, there’s video.

Over the awesome Godlike Productions forums someone has put together a handy list to show that Reptilians wrote the Bible. The proof? Lots of references to hissing (I guess reptilians hiss). So there you go atheists, just tell the next person who tries to hand you a Jesus pamphlet at the airport that you are onto their lizardly schemes.

All right, I can’t do a post without seeing what VonHelton is up to this week. Note, shit gets pretty interesting about 8:30.

Watch out for Death Stars, my friends, we only have 3 days left until they come.

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